Volkswagen in-house semiconductors

Volkswagen, the world’s largest car company

Adopting proprietary semiconductor (SoC) and software for autonomous vehicles

🟩Tesla’s proprietary semiconductor SoC

Tesla already has optimized homegrown custom SoCs

The benefit of adopting a proprietary SoC is that you can release products that align with your product strategy rather than following the chipmaker’s roadmap.

🟩 Software department is in charge of development

Volkswagen currently has no plans to produce semiconductors

The software division Cariad is in charge of development and strengthening the system

🟩 Software Division Cariad

Established as a Car.Software.Org in June 2019 and operated from January 1, 2020

Car.Software Org of Volkswagen acquires camera software business area from HELLAThe Car.Software Org of the Volkswagen Group is acquiring

Renamed Cariad on March 26, 2021

Volkswagen plans to increase the rate of in-house automotive software development from the current 10% to 60% by 2025

In addition, by 2025, the company plans to consolidate 10,000 engineers in the group, and currently has nearly 4,000 employees.

It is good if the name has changed in a short period of time, but does not symbolize confusion

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