🟩 Can MediaTek beat Qualcomm?

MediaTek Introduces Flagship SoC for High-End 5G Smartphones

🟩 MediaTek announces high-end SoC

Taiwanese fabless semiconductor company MediaTek announced the Dimensity 9000 smartphone SoC. It is the world’s first smartphone SoC manufactured on the TSMC 4nm process and based on Armv9 architecture. Smartphones based on this SoC are scheduled to be released in the first quarter of 2022.

Currently, in the SoC market for Android smartphones, MediaTek has a high overall share. However, for high-end smartphones, Qualcomm’s Snapdragon has a high share. However, the Dimensity 9000 is a flagship SoC and a chip that is likely to break Qualcomm’s stronghold.

🟩 Outperforms Qualcomm in performance/cost

Qualcomm is announcing Snapdragon 4 Gen 1 for 5G high-end smartphones, manufactured on Samsung Electronics’ 8nm process. MediaTek uses TSMC and is said to have good performance per power consumption. The chip cost of the Dimensity 9000 is almost twice that of the previous generation Dimensity 1200. However, there are rumors that it will be cheaper than the Snapdragon 8 Gen 1. In other words, MediaTek’s chips may outperform the cost performance.

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MediaTek’s high-end SoC may be more cost-effective than Qualcomm

Differences in the hiring process seem to affect cost performance. Qualcomm is also catching up with the high-end MediaTek and is switching to diversified strategies such as in-vehicle and gaming.

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