🟦 Semiconductor Market Forecast to Grow by 16.0% in 2024!

Expansion will continue in 2025
WSTS Semiconductor Market Forecast Spring 2024

🟦 Semiconductor Market Forecast to Grow by 16.0% in 2024!

According to WSTS, the global semiconductor market is expected to grow by 16.0% year-on-year to reach $611 billion (about 92 trillion yen) in 2024. This is an upward revision of 1.3 percentage points from the previous forecast. It is projected to grow by 12.5% to an all-time high of $687 billion in 2025.

The growth is primarily driven by the memory and logic sectors, which are projected to have a high growth rate. Regionally, the Americas and Asia-Pacific are projected to see double-digit growth, Europe is projected to see slight growth, and Japan is projected to see slight declines.


🟦 Factors of high growth rate

The strong performance of the compute end market from the second half of 2023 is a major factor in the high growth rate. Specifically, the market is driven by the increasing demand for data centers, servers, laptops, and others.

  • Memory Market: Growth is supported by the increasing demand for DDR5 memory for data centers and servers.
  • Logic market: Driven by increasing demand for APs and GPUs for laptops and smartphones.
  • Other: In 2025, demand for AI, 5G, and automotive semiconductors is also expected to grow.

Regional Factors

  • Chinese market: The market recovery is driving growth.
  • United States: Government investment in semiconductor manufacturing is also having an impact.


The global semiconductor market is expected to grow by 16.0% year-on-year in 2024. It is projected to grow by 12.5% in 2025, reaching a record high. This growth was driven by increased demand for data centers and servers, a recovery in the Chinese market, and increased investment by the U.S. government in semiconductor manufacturing.

The semiconductor market in 2025 is predicted to be at an all-time high. Looking forward to!

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