Expanding to 100 trillion yen by 2030
🟩 Semiconductors: 48 trillion yen
Global semiconductor market size in 2020: US$440.4 billion (¥48 trillion)
The forecast for 2021 is US$527.2 billion (¥58 trillion).
🟩 Semiconductor materials: 6 trillion yen
Global semiconductor materials sales in 2020: US$55.3 billion (approximately ¥6 trillion)
Breakdown of materials – Process materials (pre-process): US$34.9 billion -Packaging (
back-process): US$20.4 billion
🟩 Semiconductor manufacturing equipment: 8 trillion yen
Global semiconductor manufacturing equipment (new) in 2020: US$71.2 billion (approximately ¥8 trillion)
Semiconductor equipment is the total sales amount of the following equipment – Processing equipment for wafer process – Other front-end equipment – Assembly and packaging equipment
– Test equipment
The most advanced EUV lithography equipment is said to be 20 billion yen ~ 40 billion yen per unit
🟩 Conclusion
The current scale of the automobile industry is 400 trillion yen, and the semiconductor industry will grow to a comparable scale.
Semiconductor materials and equipment, which are strong in Japan, will also grow as the market as a whole grows, but the overall scale is small compared to Chip sales.
It is better for Japan to take a bird’s-eye view of the market as a whole and think strategically about which market it will target