Qualcomm Introduces Snapdragon Ride Flex, SoC with Digital Cockpit and ADAS
🟦 Qualcomm Announces Autonomous Driving SoC
Qualcomm unveiled the Snapdragon Ride Flex SoC at CES 2023. Implement digital cockpits and advanced driver assistance systems on a single platform. Samples are currently shipping and will be installed in production vehicles in 2025.
GM’s Ultra Cruise has already adopted two Snapdragon SA5Ps with 8540nm processes and one SA2P AI accelerator for autonomous driving as the Snapdragon Ride. The SoC announced this time is a 9000nm process SoC and an AI accelerator.
🟦 Qualcomm’s proprietary ADAS system development
Snapdragon Ride is Qualcomm’s proprietary ADAS system. It will be developed by the software company Arriver, which it acquired in 2021. Ariber was a spin-off of Swedish auto parts manufacturer Beonia (formerly Autolib). The announced SoC will integrate the image recognition software Snapdragon Ride Vision Stack. The results of the acquisition of Ally will also be incorporated into SoC products.
Qualcomm’s Snapdragon Ride Flex, an SoC capable of implementing digital cockpits and ADAS, incorporates the results of a software company acquired in 2021.
Qualcomm’s entry into the automotive field is progressing at a rapid pace. Smartphone technology is easy to apply to automobiles, which are IoT devices.